Optimizing Vector Storage in PostgreSQL with pgvector Halfvec
Efficient storage and retrieval of high-dimensional vectors are critical for maintaining performance and scalability. The halfvec data type in PostgreSQL's pgvector extension offers a significant advantage in storing large amounts of vector data efficiently without compromising performance or accuracy. Storage reduction: Achieved a 57.3% reduction in total storage and a 66.3% reduction in index size.

Optimizing Vector Storage in PostgreSQL with pgvector's Halfvec: 

A Case Study by East Agile Engineers


At East Agile, we continuously explore innovative solutions to enhance the performance and efficiency of the systems we build for our clients. As businesses increasingly leverage vector databases for applications like recommendation engines, natural language processing, and AI-driven analytics, the efficient storage of high-dimensional vectors becomes crucial. Today we share our recent findings on optimizing vector storage in PostgreSQL using the pgvector extension's new halfvec data type.

The Challenge of Storing Large-Scale Vectors

Storing and indexing large numbers of high-dimensional vectors can be resource-intensive. Vectors derived from embedding models often have dimensions ranging from hundreds to thousands, and the volume of data can grow rapidly, especially when dealing with substantial text corpora or extensive user data.

We set out to evaluate the storage implications by simulating a real-world scenario: adding 1.2 million vectors to our database, approximating the number of vectors generated from 1 GB of raw text data. Our initial estimates suggested that this operation would require around 30 GB of storage, raising concerns about scalability and cost-effectiveness.

Initial Findings with Standard Vector Types

Using the standard vector data type provided by the pgvector extension, we proceeded to insert the 1.2 million vectors into a PostgreSQL database and build an IVFFLAT index for efficient similarity searches. To our surprise, the actual storage consumed was 15 GB—half of our initial estimate. Specifically, the IVFFLAT index accounted for 9.2 GB of this total.

While this was an improvement over our expectations, 15 GB still represented a significant storage commitment for 1 GB of source text data. We recognized the need for further optimization to make vector storage more efficient and sustainable at scale.

Introducing halfvec: A Game-Changer for Storage Efficiency

Our exploration led us to the newly released halfvec data type in the pgvector extension. The halfvec type stores vectors using half-precision (16-bit) floating-point numbers instead of the standard single-precision (32-bit) floats. This change promises to reduce storage requirements substantially, albeit with some potential trade-offs in precision.

We repeated our experiment using halfvec for the same set of vectors and index configuration. The results were impressive:

  • Total storage (including index): Reduced from 15 GB to 6.4 GB.
  • IVFFLAT index size: Reduced from 9.2 GB to 3.1 GB.
  • Storage reduction: Achieved a 57.3% reduction in total storage and a 66.3% reduction in index size.

These savings are significant, especially when extrapolated to larger datasets. The reduced storage footprint can lead to lower infrastructure costs and improved performance due to decreased I/O overhead.

Performance Implications

A crucial consideration when optimizing storage is the potential impact on query performance and accuracy. Reduced precision in vector representations might lead to less accurate similarity searches or slower query execution times.

However, our tests revealed that using halfvec did not negatively affect query performance or recall accuracy. In fact, we observed slight improvements in query speed. This enhancement is likely due to reduced data size, which allows for faster data retrieval and processing.

The recall accuracy remained consistent with the results obtained using the standard vector type. This suggests that the half-precision representation sufficiently captures the essential features of the vectors for our similarity search use cases.

Practical Implications for Large-Scale Vector Storage

Our findings indicate that the halfvec data type offers a compelling solution for businesses dealing with large-scale vector data:

  • Cost-Efficiency: Lower storage requirements translate to reduced costs for disk space and potentially for memory usage if the data is cached.
  • Scalability: Reduced data size enables scaling up the database more effectively without compromising on performance.
  • Performance: Faster query times can enhance user experiences in applications that rely on real-time vector similarity searches.


The adoption of vector databases is accelerating as more applications leverage AI and machine learning technologies. Efficient storage and retrieval of high-dimensional vectors are critical for maintaining performance and scalability.

At East Agile, our engineers are committed to integrating cutting-edge solutions that provide tangible benefits to our clients. The halfvec data type in PostgreSQL's pgvector extension offers a significant advantage in storing large amounts of vector data efficiently without compromising performance or accuracy.

We recommend organizations using PostgreSQL for vector storage consider adopting halfvec to optimize their systems. As the field continues to evolve, we remain dedicated to exploring and implementing solutions that drive innovation and efficiency.

About East Agile

At East Agile, we help clients build and reimagine their businesses by pairing their core expertise and goals with our modern software engineering and development practices. Our team of software engineers, product managers, and designers work directly alongside our clients to quickly produce an initial release and rapidly iterate towards a final product. All this is done while ensuring highly reliable code and highly dependable outcomes.

Additional Insights

While our primary focus was on the storage optimization achieved with halfvec, it's worth noting the broader context of vector search technologies in PostgreSQL:

  • Growing Ecosystem: The PostgreSQL community actively develops extensions like pgvector to enhance vector search capabilities, reflecting the increasing demand for such features.
  • Precision vs. Performance Trade-offs: Our positive experience with halfvec suggests that, for many applications, half-precision vectors provide a sufficient balance between storage efficiency and computational accuracy.

Future Directions

We plan to continue monitoring developments in vector database technologies and conduct further testing under different workloads and use cases. Potential areas of exploration include:

  • Index Types: Experimenting with alternative indexing methods like HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World) for potential performance gains.
  • Dimensionality Reduction: Investigating techniques to reduce vector dimensions without significant loss of information, further optimizing storage and performance.
  • Real-World Applications: Applying these optimizations in production environments to validate their effectiveness under various operational conditions.

Contact Us

If you're interested in learning more about how we can help optimize your data storage and processing solutions, please reach out to us at East Agile. Let's work together to build efficient, scalable systems that power your business forward.

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