Since 2018, collaborators of the Invisible Institute have been instrumental to creating the update to the officer lookup tool: Rajiv Sinclair and Sukari Stone of Public Data Works, developers at East Agile, and the late designer Alex Laskaris were critical to the design and foundation of the site; Sinclair, Stone, Philipp Birklbauer and Matt Chapman labored over a pipeline to intake and make accessible hundreds of thousands of underlying investigative documents made public through Green v. CPD; former staff at The Chicago Reporter built and updated “Settling for Misconduct” and forged this partnership; Hector Iturre of 79.X solutions implemented the latest update; and Ashwin Sharma created a data update pipeline that will be essential to the future of the site.
See https://invisible.institute/police-data
Today East Agile continues to work on non-profit public data work using advanced large language models and other AI tools.