4 Reasons To Outsource In Vietnam
4 Reasons To Outsource In Vietnam

Need to outsource a software development project? Vietnam is a savvy choice.

Here are four reasons why outsource in Vietnam is so convenient.


If you want a reliable, cost effective software development solution, look no further than Vietnam. ComputerWeekly.com has named Vietnam as one of the top outsourcing destinations globally. The Vietnamese workforce has developed a very strong work ethic over the past years. The country has seen a growth in young university graduates and have consistently improved their education system & standards. Not only have they increased their budget on secondary language skills and digital infrastructure but ever since the devaluation against the US dollar in 2002, the Vietnamese software development market became very cost competitive.

East Agile has benefited from these forces, while also taking a leadership position within the country as the first outsourcing firm to focus on Agile software development, cloud based deployment, and modern software development languages. We compete internationally with regions that have made the software industry a state priority, such as India, Argentina or Eastern Europe. Beyond competitive prices, East Agile differentiates itself by optimizing our process and hiring the best qualified professionals in the market.


Vietnam started developing its IT infrastructure for more than 20 years ago, during the dot-com boom in the nineties, and has continued ever since. We have a large, resilient and highly skilled pool of software engineers ready to work at a reasonable price, using eXtreme programming, Test Driven Development, Behaviour Driven Development, Iterative Development and Pair Programming. To add more flavor to the equation, in the last couple of years, East Agile has launched several initiatives to support the industry and to make sure to comply with international standards in terms of applicable laws such as intellectual property protection.

(Read more: Trouble Selecting Your Tech-partner? Make the right decision!)

East Agile’s clients admire our engineering practices, and you should value these practices too. We have the best practices in the region, a dedicated team of industry experts and bilingual engineers, and we adopt a pure form of Agile which allows us to help you on many levels and we’d like to mention a few:

  • Economics: Paired programming results in higher quality code with a lower life cycle cost, including post-deployment costs of repairing defects. Paired programming is a relatively cost effective way to achieve higher quality results for situations where investments in quality are desired.
  • Clean Interface: Because programmers write the test first, the APIs they produce are naturally written from an API-user perspective. These APIs are far easier to use than those written by developers more concerned with the internal workings of their packages.
  • Greater Scalability. By splitting existing pairs up, and introducing new people to those pairs, it is possible to regularly instantly double the size of the development team with little disruption in development velocity. Even after doubling overall team size, each pair can always have a member with experience and knowledge of the existing code, allowing the new member to contribute fully to new feature development without a delay while they learn about the full details of the application.
  • Business Prioritized Emergent Development is a pillar of East Agile’s software engineering practices. It does not require or even benefit from long preliminary plans or specification documents. It delivers business value and results quickly, and continuously. It adapts to changing circumstances and feedback effortlessly. It ensures transparency about progress or misunderstandings. It instills trust and confidence in clients. Pressure and anxiety can actually decline as a project moves closer to a release date.
  • Team Building and communication: Pair programming allows team members to share problems and solutions quickly making them more likely to be more aligned with each other. This helps pair programmers to learn to communicate more easily. “This raises the communication bandwidth and frequency within the project.

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Even though there are some geographical disadvantages in comparison to near shore destinations. It should not discourage you to consider outsourcing in Vietnam. Here are some practices that East Agile recommends when working with clients globally:

  • Working with clients in Europe gives us a potential daily overlap between 4 - 6 hours a day.
  • East Coast US timing can work well for entrepreneurs working in the evening.
  • West Coast US timing allows for overlap at the end of the workday, especially in the US, time zone differences allow the development day to be extended up to 15 hours with a handoff and expands engineering availability to deal with problems outside regular business hours.
  • For clients in South East Asia, such as Singapore, Japan and Indonesia, Vietnam is both physically easy to access and largely the same time zone.


According to the English Proficiency Index done by Education First (EP) in 2018, Vietnam has one of the highest English levels in Southeast Asia and currently occupies the 7th place in the Asian ranking. East Agile is a good example, where 100% of our professionals work in English.

The EF English Proficiency Index (EPI) has been created in this context as a standardized measurement of adult English proficiency, comparable among countries and over time. The EF EPI most recent edition was calculated using test data from 750,000 test takers. People from 63 different countries participated in it.

Read more: Things You Need To Know Before Outsourcing A Project?

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